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US residents emit approximately 16.5 metric tons of carbon dioxide per capita every year. This article takes a look at which states within the country are the largest producers of carbon dioxide emissions per capita. In 2019, CO2 emissions per capita for United States of America was 15.52 tons of CO2 per capita. Though United States of America CO2 emissions per capita fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to decrease through 1970 - 2019 period ending at 15.52 tons of CO2 per capita in 2019. The first interactive chart shows per capita greenhouse gas emissions. This is measured as the sum of all greenhouse gases, and given by a metric called ‘carbon dioxide equivalents’. ‘Carbon dioxide equivalents’ try to correct for the fact that one unit (e.g.

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As 98% of U.S. CO2 emissions are energy-related, the primary factors that and per capita income continue to grow as expected, the United States would need  29 apr. 2020 — Circular Economy · Clean & Safe Mobility · CO2 Emissions · CO2 from Cars and Vans · CO2 from Heavy Duty Vehicles · CO2 Taxation  Högst ligger USA och Luxemburg på 20 respektive 25 ton CO2 per capita. Koldioxidutsläppen är här beräknade på nationell elmix. I energistudien i övrigt används. By continuing to use this website, you agree to us using your cookies.

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. Last year, CO2 emissions in the US fell to an 18-year low,  Sverige har relativt låga koldioxidutsläpp per capita jämfört med andra Danmark Frankrike Mexiko Australien Luxemburg Kanada USA Korea Ryssland Island  cirka 1 ton CO2-ekvivalenter per person och år, jämfört med drygt 6 ton inklusive USA, Kina, Indien, Brasilien m fl, anslutit sig till denna målsättning (se per capita utsläpp än Sverige år 2013 så är Kinas utsläppsmål för 2020 +17%, medan  BNI per capita, Atlas-metoden (löpande US $) ? BNP per capita (fasta US $ 2010) ? CO2-intensitet (kg per kg energianvändning i oljeekvivalenter) ?

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100. 150. 200. Japan*. US*. EU15. EUR12 Kyotokorg med 6 växthusgaser (CO2, CH4, N2O, olika HFC-, PFC-föreningar. 24 maj 2012 — After it took over the USA in 2009, it has become in 2011 the largest electricity Chinese emissions per capita rapidly converge towards OECD  13 sep.

Highest values. In the United States, carbon dioxide emissions per capita dropped to 13.8 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. Projections show that emissions will recover in the coming years but will begin 13 rows The first interactive chart shows per capita greenhouse gas emissions. This is measured as the sum of all greenhouse gases, and given by a metric called ‘carbon dioxide equivalents’. ‘Carbon dioxide equivalents’ try to correct for the fact that one unit (e.g.
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Energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions vary significantly across states, on both an absolute basis and on a per capita basis. Total state CO2 emissions include CO2 emissions from direct fuel use across all sectors, including residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation, as well as primary fuels consumed for electricity generation.
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Table Figure 3 Business stock per 10,000 population; Total CO2 emissions per capita. Wyoming’s per capita energy-related CO2 emissions compared with other states. The second-highest state per capita CO2 emissions level was North Dakota at 72 mt per capita.

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av Christian Holmström. Publicerad: 2020-09-28. Sverige har relativt låga koldioxidutsläpp per capita jämfört med andra OECD -länder. En avgörande orsak är att elproduktionen i Sverige domineras helt av koldioxidfri vattenkraft och kärnkraft. U.S. Carbon (CO2) Emissions - Historical Data; Year Kilotons of Co2 Metric Tons Per Capita; 2016: 5,006,302.08: 15.50: 2015: 5,126,913.37: 15.99: 2014: 5,225,412.66: 16.42: 2013: 5,170,359.99: 16.36: 2012: 5,081,999.96: 16.19: 2011: 5,270,047.39: 16.92: 2010: 5,395,532.13: 17.44: 2009: 5,263,505.46: 17.16: 2008: 5,614,110.99: 18.46: 2007: 5,789,030.56: 19.22: 2006: 5,697,285.89: 19.09: 2005: 5,789,727.29: 19.59: 2004 CO2 Emissions per capita (tons) CO2 Emissions (tons, 2016) Population (2016) 1: China: 7.38: 10,432,751,400: 1,414,049,351: 2: United States: 15.52: 5,011,686,600: 323,015,995: 3: India: 1.91: 2,533,638,100: 1,324,517,249: 4: Russia: 11.44: 1,661,899,300: 145,275,383: 5: Japan: 9.70: 1,239,592,060: 127,763,265: 6: Germany: 9.44: 775,752,190: 82,193,768: 7: Canada: 18.58: 675,918,610: 36,382,944: 8: Iran: 8.08: 642,560,030 As of 2019, CO2 emissions per capita in Palau was 59.88 tons of CO2 per capita. The top 5 countries also includes Qatar, Trinidad and Tobago, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates. The description is composed by our digital data assistant.