Mercodia C-peptide ELISA

(. 10-1172-01. ) Kit format: 1 x 96 wells. Measurement range: 100 - 4000 pmol/L (0.33 - 13 µg/L) Low sample volume - 10μL. Measures both Rat C-peptide I and II. Minimal cross-reactivity to human or mouse insulin, C-peptide or proinsulin.

Mercodia c-peptide elisa

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(vii) In addition, the intracellular insulin (C-peptide) content was substantially higher in lineage-controlled beta-like and potassium chloride (30 mM) before secreted insulin (C-peptide) levels were profiled using ELISA. 21899; Mercodia). ( i ) ELISA-analys avslöjar detekterbara nivåer av human C-peptid i serum av Medan vi konsekvent observerade C-peptid-positiva celler som uttrycker Human C-peptide levels were quantified using an ultrasensitive ELISA kit (Mercodia;  läkemedel baserat på en antidiabetisk peptid i gift från Gilamonstret till vätska vid -23°C. Ämnet är känt både för att vara CHO-HCP ELISA-reagenser. Mercodia.

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Mercodia社C-ペプチドELISAキット選択表. 測定動物種, 商品コード, 測定試料, 試料量  C-peptide positive; CV, coefficient of variation; EGP, endogenous glucose production;. GC, gas enzyme immunoassay (Mercodia Glucagon ELISA; Mercodia,. Human insulin n.d..


Robust and easy to use. The assay measures mouse insulin to 100%. Rat insulin 146% Rat proinsulin 14 % Rat C-peptide n.d.. Human insulin 195% Human proinsulin 82% Human C  Perform the Mercodia Insulin, C-peptide and Proinsulin ELISA assays according to the Directions for Use, handling Mercodia Diabetes Antigen Controls as  Canine Insulin ELISA(10-1203-01) · Specially optimized for canine samples · Highly specific, no cross-reactivity to proinsulin, C-peptide or insulin analogs  The sandwich ELISA utilizes two antigen specific antibodies; one capture antibody bound to a solid phase and one enzyme-linked detection antibody. All Mercodia  Calibrated against 1st International Reference Preparation 66/304 for human insulin; No cross-reactivity to C-peptide or Proinsulin des(31-32) or split (32-33)  Specially optimized for feline samples; Highly specific - no cross-reactivity to proinsulin or C-peptide; High sensitivity - possible to detect minute changes in  Very low detection limit - 0.02 µg/L; High specificity - Insignificant cross-reactivity to C-peptide and proinsulin; No interference from complex sample matrices  Insulin ELISA(10-1113-01) · Calibrated against 1st International Reference Preparation 66/304 for human insulin · No cross-reactivity to C-peptide or Proinsulin des  A high quality immunoassay for specific quantification of human C-peptide in serum, plasma or urine.

A high quality immunoassay for specific quantification of human C-peptide in serum, plasma, cell culture media or urine. Mercodia C-peptide ELISA is a solid phase two-site enzyme immunoassay. It is based on the direct sandwich technique in which two monoclonal antibodies are directed against separate antigenic determinants on the C-peptide molecule. During incubation, C-peptide in the sample reacts with anti-C-peptide antibodies bound to the microtitration well. Mercodia is a world-leading developer, manufacturer and distributor of high quality immunoassay kits (ELISAs).
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av E Tegler · 2020 — För den sista hästen (häst C) blev försöksupplägget modifierat, och två ELISA-metod (Mercodia Equine Insulin ELISA, Mercodia AB, Uppsala, glucagon-like peptide-1 responses of different equine breeds adapted to meals containing mi-.

Mercodia Insulin ELISA - PDF. Proinsulin des (31-32) 10 Specificitet Följande korsreaktioner har påvisats: C-peptid , 0.01% Proinsulin , 0.01% Begränsa till län.
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Dimitri T. Leonidas - Scientific Sales Specialist - Mercodia AB

※ 本製品は研究用です。. 研究用以外には使用できません。.

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It is ba-sed on the direct sandwich technique in which two monoclonal antibodies are directed against separate antigenic determinants on the C-peptide molecule. During incubation C-peptide in the Mercodia C-peptide ELISA, is a solid phase two-site enzyme immunoassay. It is based on the direct sandwich technique in which two monoclonal antibodies are directed against separate antigenic determinants on the C-peptide molecule.