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Sökresultat - DiVA

You will be notified three months in advance of the date when the review will take place or the date on which the life certificate (proof that you are still alive) is due. In the past, grant recipients could query problems with payment at the SASSA pay point. Now if there is a problem at a SAPO branch, ATM or retailer, they must make an additional trip to the SASSA office, and often the police station too to get an affidavit. This brings additional expenses, inconveniences and risks.

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Also see Frequently Asked Questions about social grants. This page was originally published on 6 March 2013. There is good news for those who have already applied and are not sure about their application status. Sassa has put their records online for applicants to see if their SRD grants were processed and checked on the status. Check Your SASSA R350 Pay Day Using The Link Below.

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South Africa. nsfas.org.za.

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For more stories, go to www.BusinessInsider.co.za. On Monday, government launched the registration process for the temporary R350-a-month unemployment grant … 2020-05-30 SASSA R350 Latest News. Applications for SASSA’s R350 grant will close on 30 April 2021. This means that this month is the last month to send in an application to benefit from this SASSA Special Relief of Distress (SRD) grant.

For their Regional offices, please follow this link (SASSA Contact Details) for more information. REASONS CONTRIBUTED TO THE DELAY OF SRD GRANT OF R350. SASSA has explained the reasons that have contributed to the delay.
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The applicant must not be in receipt of another social grant … 2020-05-29 2019-07-31 SASSA cannot pay your grant into another person’s bank account. Should you select the money transfer option via one of the major banks, please ensure that the mobile phone number on which you received the SMS is registered in your name. SASSA cannot pay your grant into a mobile phone number which is registered to another person.

The applicant and child must be resident in South Africa.
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Check Your SASSA R350 Grant Status Online.