Photography : Marc Cramer Approached to renovate a 200 year old


RENOVATION - Translation in Swedish -

archaic Refresh; reinvigorate. More example sentences. ‘a little warm nourishment renovated him for a short time’. present participle.

Renovate meaning

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2. To impart new vigor to; revive. Renovate (a word ultimately derived from the Latin verb novare, meaning "to make new," itself a descendant of novus, meaning "new") suggests a renewing by cleansing, repairing, or rebuilding. Renew implies a restoration of what had become faded or disintegrated so that it seems like new ("efforts to renew the splendor of the old castle").

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Press and hold the reset button for about 3 seconds to restore factory default configurations  grow at a frenetic pace, with competing developers building luxury towers and vying for historic commercial buildings to renovate and repurpose. save search.

Översättning av Renovation på EngelskaKA

VERB + RENOVATION carry out The  1520s, back-formation from renovation, or else from Latin renovatus, past participle of renovare "renew, restore" (see renovation). Related: Renovated; renovating. 16 ก.ย. 2017 เลือกวิธี RENOVATE หากบ้านต้องซ่อมแซมทั้งหลัก อาจต้องใช้ผู้เชี่ยวชาญเฉพาะส่วน เช่น บิวอินท์ ทีมนึง ผู้ออกแบบปรับปรุงโครงสร้างที่ชำรุดอีกทีมนึง  Refurbish, in everyday language, is "to renew or to restore to a new condition Companies that lease computers may use refurbishing as a means of dealing  Renovate - Swedish translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, transcription, antonyms, examples. English - Swedish Translator. Synonyms and Antonymous of the word renovate in Almaany dictionary. Synonyms of " renovate " ( verb ) : restitute , regenerate , renew ; ( verb ) : refurbish  Translation for 'to renovate' in the free English-Swedish dictionary and many other Swedish translations.

ren‧o‧vate /ˈrenəveɪt/ verb [ transitive] PROPERTY. to repair and improve a building so it is in good condition again The company was awarded a $72 million contract to renovate a train terminal. —renovation noun [ countable, uncountable] The hotel chain has spent $700 million on expansion and renovation. RENOVATE Meaning: "renew, restore" (see renovation). Related: Renovated; renovating.
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Renew implies a restoration of what had become faded or disintegrated so that it seems like new ("efforts to renew the splendor of the old castle"). renovate definition: 1.

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Translate sanera from Swedish to English - Interglot

🔊 The definition of “renovate”: To restore to good condition; make new or as if new again; repair; To invigorate; refresh; REVIVE . The definition of “remodel”: To alter the structure of: REMAKE .