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Womack Army Medical Center General Surgery Clinic is a group practice with 1 location. Currently, Womack Army Medical Center General Surgery Clinic specializes in Critical Care Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Plastic Surgery and Vascular Surgery with 6 physicians. Womack Army Medical Center is a Military Hospital in Fort Bragg, North Carolina.The NPI Number for Womack Army Medical Center is 1013148345. The current location address for Womack Army Medical Center is Womack Army Medical Center 2817 Reilly Rd, Family Medicine Clinic, Fort Bragg, North Carolina and the contact number is 910-907-8007 and fax number is 910-907-8630. Fort Bragg Hospital - Womack Army Medical Center. Telephone.

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2817 Reilly St Fort Bragg, NC 28310 (910) 907-6000. Womack Army Medical Center (WOMACK ARMY MEDICAL CENTER) is a Military/U.S. Coast Guard Pharmacy in Fort Bragg, North Carolina.The NPI Number for Womack Army Medical Center is 1033775150. The current location address for Womack Army Medical Center is 4-2817 Reilly Rd Bldg B, , Fort Bragg, North Carolina and the contact number is 910-907-8748 and fax number is 910-907-8834. Womack Army Medical Center Bariatric Surgery. 1 Practicing Physician.

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We are Jesse and Lakysha, short-term rental owners, and managers. I (Jesse) am a retired disabled Army veteran, 82nd Airborn and Lakysha is a Realtor. Gemenskap, Instagram.

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Available Credit. 1.00 ACPE Pharmacist.

His 13 year military career was decorated honorably and he achieved the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and earned numerous awards including the Meritorious Service Award, Two Oak Leaf Clusters, and the Army Commendation Medal. Womack Army Medical Center. Available Credit.
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It contains 138 beds with 66,542 patients visit the hospital's emergency room; a total of 11,293 patients are admitted. 2021-04-09 From Womack Army Medical Center's COVID-19 Vaccine Information page:. COVID-19 Vaccine Availability.

About Womack Army Medical Center Bariatric Surgery.
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