234. Heeso Xul ah Collection of Somali songs Vol. 23


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Rabitaankii nafteyda Part 112 Rabitaankii nafteyda Part 110 MAHADSANID Musalsal Heeso Soomaali Cusub Hindi af Somali Short Films Cunto Karis Macaan. Mahadsanid Musalsal. 6:13. Neima Djama Miguil : Heesta Xarbi - Somali Heeso, Somali music.

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From the 1950s to 1980s All songs/audio in this App are copyright free & hosted on mysomalimusic.com Please if you have any issues with this app drop us an email: xyzedstudio@gmail.com Read about Bclub19.com - Heeso Somali - Somali Music - Download music, Somali mp3s, Somalia songs - Sclub19.com by www.Bclub19.com and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Somali songs.

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Heeso Cusub 2021, Fanaaniinta, Music   16 Jan 2021 2021 Heeso Cusub Featuring, Kiin Jaamac, Najma Nashaad, Maxamed Ciro, Mursal Muuse, Qamar Suugaani, New Somali Songs Intro. Heeso Somali free download - Somali Songs: Free Somali Music, Somali FM, Somali Library, and many more programs.
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To stay up to date with our latest videos, make sure to subscribe to BCLUB19 by clicking the button above this video.If you found this video valuable, give i Heeso Macaan Oo Xul Ah (Old School Collection Somali) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED BY SOMIPP AND TUSMO FILMS 2018MIDHAHA & LAXANKA : OMar Dabjacayl MUSIC : Maftuux Cadceed CAMERA: Abdullahi King EDITOR:CABDIQANITUSMOPROD Find your favorite Somali artists to listen to heeso Somali and Somali songs. Somali songs and heeso by Qaraami Music. 34: Magool & Omar Dhuule Waa qaali Original Heeso Qaraami Q3 Heeso cusub iyo hees cusub. Listen to the latest Somali music.

Tracklist~ 00:00 - New Somali Songs Intro 00:11 - Ilkacase Qays ft Mohamed Kadheeri - Dalkaan Ya Iska Leh 01:22 - Mursal Muuse - Dhexyar 03:33 - Abdikarim Ali Shah Ft Xamdi Bilan - Yannu Iin Yeelan 05:29 - Oomar Barbar - Jacylka Waraabi 07:54 - Oomaar Barbar - Catawla 09:30 - Safwaan Halac - Taashka Arooska 11:42 - Iskilaaji - Dhaliili Jirey 13:49 - Iskilaaji - Sareeya 16:03 - Cabdi Yare Heeso Somali TV. Somali TV songs. Translated. 4 Views.
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