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Las defensas de la playa consistían en minas, alambrados y erizos checos.The defenses on the beach consisted of landmines, barbed-wire fences, and Czech hedgehogs. 2. (material) a. wire fencing.

Alumbrado in english

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Hin Translation of Alumbrados in English. Translate Alumbrados in English online and download now our free translator to use any time at no charge. Christmas lights in Medellín, known in Spanish simply as the "Lighting" (El Alumbrado) or more officially the EPM Lights (Alumbrados EPM), is a traditional seasonal event in Medellín, Colombia, where the city hangs millions of Christmas lights and holds light shows and other cultural events. Übersetzung Spanisch-Englisch für alumbrado im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen!

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Ex: A flexible library building is one which permits flexibility in the layout of its planning arrangements, with structure, heating, ventilation and lighting arranged to facilitate adaptability. * alumbrado de tubos = strip lighting.

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Need to translate "ALUMBRADO ELÉCTRICO" from spanish and use correctly in a sentence? Here are many translated example sentences containing "ALUMBRADO ELÉCTRICO" - spanish-english translations and search engine for spanish translations.

Here are many translated example sentences containing "ALUMBRADO PÚBLICO" - spanish-english translations and search engine for spanish translations. English Spanish Dictionary You have searched the Spanish word alumbrado meaning in English Illumination. alumbrado meaning has been search 1677 (one thousand six hundred and seventy-seven) times till 4/11/2021. Contextual translation of "alumbrado" into English.
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Copyright © Curiosity Media Inc. Translation for 'alumbrado' in the free Spanish-English dictionary and many other English translations. Many translated example sentences containing "alumbrado" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations.
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