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This paper analyzes opinions and attitudes of both abortion clients and health professionals approximately two years following decriminalization and assesses how abortion 2012-09-26 · Pro abortion activists demonstrate in front of the Uruguayan congress in Montevideo, Uruguay, Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012. Uruguay's congress appeared ready on Tuesday to legalize abortion, a groundbreaking move in Latin America, where no country save Cuba has made abortions accessible to all women during the first trimester of pregnancy. Abortion statistics before 2011.
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Naturally, many religious institutions were outraged by the law and have even challenged the legality of legislation decriminalizing abortion.
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16. In 2010, Uruguay’s president Juan Maria Bordaberry was also sentenced to 30 years for murder and his role in the 1973 military coup.
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Results show that although the 21 maternal mortality rates of Uruguay are similar to 22 those of developed countries, death from unsafe 23 abortion is the main single contributor to that rate, 24 and one of the highest in the world. Uruguay’s Population and the Church.