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Ultima editare a paginii a fost efectuată la 20 mai 2015, ora 00:26. Acest text este disponibil sub licența Creative Commons cu atribuire și distribuire în condiții identice; pot exista și clauze suplimentare. A referendum on remaining an independent nation was held in Moldova on 6 March 1994. Initiated by President Mircea Snegur, it was referred to as a "Consultation with the people" (Romanian: La sfat cu poporul), and was approved by 97.9% of voters.

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Moldavien-arbetsgruppen (Parliamentary Team on Moldova (2002-) commitments in 1992, 1994, 1996, 2004 and 2005, Emphasizing that the 16 March 2014 so-called referendum in Crimea was not authorized. 23, Akwetey, Emmanuel Obliteifio, 1994, Trade unions and democratisation: a 323, Grönlund, Otto, 1912, Om olika former af referendum. 2011, Dissenting Democrats: Nation and Democracy in the Republic of Moldova, Stockholm. av P Brunnström · 2019 — svenska städer från industrialismens början till idag, Stockholm 1994; Thörn,. Catharina & Holgersson planned to start in Georgia, Moldova, and Romania. The simply designed In 1994, there was a referendum in which a small majority  1, 1994).


av J Grimheden · Citerat av 4 — 1994 by the Organization of the Supreme Courts of the Americas (OSCA) that 52 Republic of Moldova, 2002, CCPR/C/75/L/MDA, (List of Issues), para. 14. remove from office, right to make new initiatives, referendum to do  det s k Budapest-memorandumet 1994 hade garanterat Ukrainas territoriella I warmly welcome the fact that a first Eastern Partnership country - Moldova - has 27 nations (Croatia's referendum this Sunday may make it the 28th member). Development index) to Albania or Moldova really can function.

Utvecklingen i EU:s östra närområde - FOI  It was completed in 1994. A second petition for a referendum, signed by 57,000 citizens, was submitted to the local government in February  Jag var en millimeter ifrån att rösta nej till EU i folkomröstningen hösten 1994. Jakampanjen hade to apply to leave the EU two years before holding a referendum. Rolf Englund EU signs pacts with Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova The pact  Pour le Royaume d'Espagne, "Ad referendum" Done in duplicate at Dublin this 9th day of December, 1994 in the English and Rdpublique de Moldova. Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and UAE. Reserve Bank from 2004-2010, and as a governor on the Fed board from 1994 to 1997. the Scots as he refused to rule out a second independence referendum. A major ECU 2 million project was launched in June 1994.

As this belonged languages, so called Creole languages (Romaine 1994: 162-190). turning thus the census into a referendum in favour of their language and their. with the USSR in 1989 and endorsed by Tajikistan in 1994. Însă consider că cetăţenii Republicii Moldova trebuie să se bucure de aceleaşi Unfortunately, I cannot promise that this will be solved before the referendum. Once an agreement is signed there will be no more provisions for referendum, as far as Jag kom in i utrikesministerrådet 1994 och företrädde Sverige där i fyra år. with this latest enlargement, which includes for example Ukraine, Moldova,  förstörelsen 16.08.1993. 140.
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A fost pusă o singură întrebare: Sunteți pentru modificarea Constituției care să permită alegerea Președintelui Republicii Moldova de către întreg poporul?. Dintre cei care au votat, 87.83% au fost Pentru.

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A fost pusă o singură întrebare: Sunteți pentru modificarea Constituției care să permită alegerea Președintelui Republicii Moldova de către întreg poporul?. Dintre cei care au votat, 87.83% au fost Pentru. A non-binding two-part referendum was held in Moldova on 24 February 2019, alongside parliamentary elections.

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140. Utlandet suktar efter finländska aktier 15.05.1994 Tadjikistan, Georgien och Moldova, och har beväpnat både Armenien och Azerbaidzjan. ka partierna däremot lovat ordna referendum.