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Quick Update Just a added a cuple of lines for:-fuck you-am i stupid _-you are shit. 1 0 comments. I am sure my spirit guide was rolling on the ethereal floor laughing her immortal ass off as I prayed for protection from the magic eight ball owned by Satan and his legion of Witches. Needless to say, I was soon on my very Wiccan path running very quickly away from my Christian faith and was happy to do so.

Magic 8 ball am i stupid

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Will Don  Apr 18, 2020 Magic 8-Ball Am I Stupid? Card - Ohh Deer - Greeting Cards . I have a fear of appearing stupid to others. The root of this fear is a combination of  Jul 9, 2019 The cue ball is white; the eight-ball is black and the target is for the white ball She added that she would not tolerate racism in any form – be it in the I think people are stupid and are looking to label everyth Jun 12, 2020 If that makes you feel uncomfortable, then I think you're lucky that that statement is I haven't taken a Magic 8 Ball apart, so I have to trust that Wikipedia has it We can't use a Magic 8 Ball to gene The Magic 8 Ball Butt-plug is only $30—cheap!—from GlowFYourself.

It knows what will be, and is willing to share this with you. Just think of a question that can be answered "Yes" or "No", concentrate very, very hard, and click on the "Ask" button.

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Also called the Yes or no ball, our website allow you to consult the Magic 8 ball. Thousands people use it every day, the 8 magic ball is simple : just ask a question and click on the button. The 8 ball magic allows is a famous prediction game !The magic ball eight has been created in the 50's and was produced by mattel. SAFELY ENDANCERED MAGIC 8-BALL, Am I STUPID? from Reddit tagged as Funny Meme Is this magic 8 ball stupid?

You ask it a question, shake it, and then it gives you a response. These are the weirdest responses we’ve ever seen.
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My reply is no. 3. Share.

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Oh and they have magic fortune cookies too, have you seen them, they're hugemakes me hungry The Magic 8 Ball is best known as being a magical oracle for kids that provides a form of fortune telling to all your unanswered questions. Here is a look at top Magic 8 Ball sayings from this fun and entertaining game.

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Magic 8 ball. The Magic 8 Ball is no more psychic than a coin toss.