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Se hela listan på Enabling cheat codes in Heroes of Might and Magic V requires editing a game file, and therefore it is highly recommended that you create a backup of any file you plan to edit before proceeding. Using a text editor, such as Notepad , or Wordpad supplied with Windows systems, open the file autoexec.cfg located in the 'profiles' folder within the game directory. Se hela listan på FearLess Cheat Engine. Community Cheat Tables of Cheat Engine. Skip to content. Cheat Requests. Single Player Cheat Requests.
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Heroes of Might & Magic III - The Shadow of Death [cheats] Heroes of Might and Magic 2: The Succession Wars [cheats] Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Armageddon's Blade [trainer +7] Heroes Of Might And Magic 4: The Gathering Storm [cheats] Heroes Of Might And Magic 4: Winds Of War [cheats] Heroes of Might and Magic 5 CE v1.1. [trainer +7] The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Heroes Of Might And Magic 5: Tribes Of The East for PC. Heroes Of Might And Magic 5: Hammers Of Fate [cheats] Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "autoexec_a1.cfg" file in the "\heroes of might and magic v\profiles\" directory. Those programmers at NWC put the best cheat right into the game!